Dispelling cloud myths and uncovering the truth of Microsoft Azure


Dispelling cloud myths and uncovering the truth of Microsoft Azure

The cloud is quickly becoming indispensable for businesses, enabling streamlined operations, improved collaboration, and adaptability to evolving demands. Yet, despite its advantages, many businesses view the cloud as a source of new and unfamiliar challenges, making the migration process seem daunting.

Studies show that many businesses believe that moving to the cloud is too costly and reduces their decision-making control. Additionally, there is a significant lack of awareness about how the cloud functions and how it can be leveraged to enhance business operations*.

Fortunately, these beliefs are based on misconceptions. Microsoft Azure, for example, not only offers a vastarray of applications to help manage, streamline, and grow businesses but also features a cost-effective and hassle-free onboarding process to simplify cloud migration.

Here are some common myths about Azure migration and the realities behind them.

MYTH: cloud migration is complex and time consuming, with too much impact on my operations

Depending on your business’s size and scope, it’s understandable to think that the Azure migration process might halt operations until completion. However, any downtime is minimised through careful planning and assessment.

The assessment phase is especially crucial when migrating to Azure. It includes a real-time review of business data to create a clear and achievable migration roadmap. This review covers your business strategies, workloads, costs, and capacity.

At Cloud Context, we compile these findings into a detailed report, typically ready within 72 hours of the assessment. This report helps determine the best migration strategy. It may reveal that migrating to Azure will take only a few weeks with minimal impact, or uncover that a phased approach is ideal to minimise disruption.

MYTH: cloud migration is more expensive than sticking with my current systems

While there are initial costs, the ongoing expenses of Microsoft Azure are significantly lower than the cost ofmaintaining legacy systems and physical IT infrastructure. Older systems often struggle to match the processing power and speed of newer technologies and software applications. Clinging to outdated systems can lead to higher spending on resources like CPU and memory for tasks that modern systems handle easily. Ultimately, this nostalgia will hinder your business.

Alternatively, Azure helps reduce operational costs with automatic updates and software, cost management and analysis tools, spending thresholds, and opportunities for workload optimisation. Your business could save up to 34% in the first year by using Azure’s Microsoft Cost Management to monitor and reduce expenses.

MYTH: the complicated process of cloud migration demands significant training, onboarding and restructuring.

Adopting new technology always comes with initial teething issues, whether it’s learning new applications or adjusting to new processes. Fortunately, Azure is designed to be user-friendly and doesn’t require extensive IT knowledge to operate.

We even offer subsidised Azure technical training through Microsoft Learning and accredited partners, plus a library of self-guided resources to support your unique needs. You can also further mitigate risks with step-by-step guidance from Azure engineers.

MYTH: migrating to the cloud will expose my business to IT issues and cyber attacks

Though it may feel like moving your operations to the cloud exposes your business to new threats, Microsoft Azure is equipped to keep your business safe and operational.

Thanks to Microsoft’s $1 billion annual investment in cybersecurity, Azure is one of the most secure cloud platforms globally. It is supported by over 3,500 cybersecurity experts, offering built-in disaster recovery and backup capabilities to minimise downtime and data loss. It also boasts 99.95% availability, 24/7 support, and continuous health monitoring through its network of data centres in over 60 regions worldwide.

Book your cloud assessment and migrate to the cloud with Cloud Context

Now that we’ve debunked these myths, Cloud Context is here to help you experience the full benefits of Microsoft Azure. Arrange an Azure Cloud Assessment with us to unlock the full potential of moving your business to the cloud.

Our team of professionals will guide you through the migration process, ensuring a smooth and secure transition for your applications and data. With Azure, you’ll access a wide range of powerful cloud services, fostering innovation, enhancing collaboration, and driving your business toward greater success.

Don’t miss out on the advantages of cloud technology – click here to register for your cloud assessment and discover how to elevate your business with Microsoft Azure.


Source:1 https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/productivity/report/productivity-volume4-data-

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